1. Garner strong political support for tourism in the Mediterranean at a high level in across relevant governments and supranational institutions and agencies.
2. Promote sustainable tourism growth across Mediterranean countries by stimulating the need for synergy in the process for continuous inquiry, research, discussion and commercial activity.
3. Channel related efforts into an integrated and all encompassing activity aimed at fostering peace and stability in the region.
4. Periodically organise the Mediterranean Tourism Forum and Working Groups for networking, discussions and sharing of best practices with a view to encourage joint activity amongst relevant stakeholders.
5. Engage with other international, regional and/or national groupings or bodies having similar or related objectives that can play a key role in stimulating a continuous inquiry, research and discussion
6. Increase awareness of the Mediterranean region as a premier tourist multifaceted single destination.
7. Promote intra Mediterranean travel and accordingly lobby for ease of access and movement for travellers in the region while ensuring the safety and integrity of the respective countries.
8. Encourage sustainable product development and investments in Mediterranean tourism assets and products by favouring technological developments that enable environmental friendly practices.
9. Foster an adequate supply of skills and labour to enhance visitor experiences through quality service and hospitality.
10. Lobby neighbouring economic blocs to support shared tourism strategies and policies from across the Mediterranean countries;
11. Encourage tourism managers to focus on the value of their product to be competitive in the international market
12. Promote the Mediterranean as a tourism destination in particular amongst the BRICS countries, considered as the strongest new developing markets in international tourism;
13. Encourage applied research in sustainable and competitive tourism policies, strategies and actions, through exchange and evaluation of good practices;
14. Promote joint research and development initiatives and an innovation attitude in addressing tourism development challenges.
15. Support a cooperative relationship between the private sector and the governments of the Mediterranean, the provinces and the territories with respect to Mediterranean tourism.
16. Raise money through sponsorships, endowments, donations and fund-raising activities to fund its projects.
17. Spearhead education and training in tourism and hospitality through a centre of excellence in Malta
18. Engage with Benefactors and leveraging their capacity to assist the tourism sector in many vital areas, such as infrastructure, training, and pro-poor tourism.
19. Promote amongst Governments the needs of investors in the tourism sector for information and the value of setting up “one-stop” shops for such information.
20. Advance culture, arts and the national heritage in the Mediterranean.