Malta Tourism Authority publishes statistical report for 2015
The Malta Tourism Authority has recently published the Tourism in Malta Statistical Report – Edition 2015. This is the third year that this annual report has been produced. This report refers to data and research generated by UNWTO, Eurostat, NSO and MTA. The aim of this user-friendly publication is to facilitate access to tourism-related information for all interested parties including the tourism trade, government entities, students, journalists and the media.
2014 was a successful year for the Maltese Islands, having broken a number of previous records, perhaps the most impressive being that 2014 registered an all-time record number of 1.7 million incoming tourists to the Maltese Islands. Malta’s tourism performance was amongst the highest when compared to other European and Mediterranean destinations. These figures together with a number of other statistics can be seen in the Statistical Report.
This Statistical Report provides a comprehensive picture of local tourism performance in Malta in 2014 including inbound tourism figures, guest nights, expenditure, tourist accommodation and occupancy rates. Furthermore, it highlights the profile of incoming tourists, mode of travel, purpose of visit, and the main influential sources and motivations for choosing Malta as a holiday destination. In addition, it provides an insight into Malta’s main tourism segments. Tourists’ feedback highlights the image of Malta overseas and the overall rating of the Malta experience.
This free of charge report may be downloaded online via the following link One may also obtain a copy of this Statistical Report from the Research Unit of the Malta Tourism Authority at its head office situated at the Auberge D’Italie, in Merchant’s Street, Valletta.